Our Worldview

A Passionate Defense of Western Civilization
We share a deep love and admiration for Western Civilization. While we acknowledge its flaws, we also believe in its unparalleled contributions to human flourishing, liberty, and truth. Despite the erosion of its foundations, we hold fast to the hope that it can be saved—but only if we return to the principles that built it: wholesome Christian values, ancient wisdom, and the bold vision of leaders like the American Founders.
While Canada is not the United States, we share a common heritage as nations shaped by Western ideals of freedom, self-governance, and a moral framework rooted in Christian values and ancient wisdom. The vision of the American Founders has inspired similar principles that resonate deeply within Canada’s own journey, calling us to cherish liberty and cultivate a society rooted in virtue and truth.
We see the world through the lens of those who laid the groundwork for freedom, self-governance, and moral integrity. We believe in thinking big, loving God, cherishing our neighbors and communities, and nurturing a profound respect for ourselves and our shared heritage. This worldview is what we will pass on to your children: a love for what is good, true, and beautiful, and the courage to fight for the freedoms that make a flourishing society possible.

The results speak for themeselves
The evidence is clear: graduates of Classical Christian Education, as documented, in the Good Soil report by Cardus and the Association of Classical and Christian Schools (ACCS), consistently excel in every measure—community involvement, faith commitment, career preparedness, and more.
We don’t want your children to merely survive the 16,000 hours they will spend in school. We want them to thrive. We want them to become warriors for truth, equipped with the intellectual and moral tools to honor and defend the values that sustain freedom.

Cultivating the Mind and Soul
At Willowbrook Heights, we teach students to explore the origins of ideas, grapple with the consequences of choices, and cultivate solutions to the challenges of our time. They learn that tyranny thrives on ignorance and seeks to control language and thought. Our students are trained to preserve the power of reason, develop intellectual flexibility, and express themselves with clarity and conviction.
As Richard Livingston said, “An educated man knows when a thing is proved and when it is not.” This is the hallmark of a Willowbrook Heights graduate: a discerning mind, a courageous heart, and a soul committed to truth. They understand that Western Civilization, despite its imperfections, remains the greatest framework for liberty and justice the world has ever seen. And they are prepared to safeguard it for future generations.
A Call to Action
Parents, the choice is clear. Do you want your children to merely survive a public education system that “isn’t that bad” because you survived it, too? Or do you want them to rise as warriors—ready to live their best lives, defend their freedoms, and restore the greatness of our civilization?
At Willowbrook Heights, we are rebuilding the intellectual and moral foundations necessary for a flourishing society. Together, let us prepare the next generation to safeguard democracy, pursue truth, and create a more just and beautiful world.